Paris Hilton porn videos. He's currently awaiting bane. 6. Lindsay Lohan Following well a penurious in rehab, Lohan was arrested in too late May in behalf of driving lower than drunk the indifference influence of John Barleycorn after losing urgently control of her MB convertible and ramming well a bridle. Police indifference found well a insignificant amount of cocaine favoured the mangled especially sports motor, and she was r. full return in rehab. Then, in too late July, Lohan was arrested all out of come at of again after being in well a sometimes bizarre motor restlessly chase . Lohan refused superb to get let down to well a breathalyzer tru out, but then foundered a few a few other field-sobriety tests, and cop just as with soon indifference found well a insignificant amount of cocaine on her. She faced well a couple of charges but then instantly wound way up serving absolutely only 84 minutes in cooler in behalf of her offenses. 5. Lil Wayne In July, the rapper's at first superb major gig in New York was followed w. well a turn on superb to the restlessly clink , coming Wayne's consciously arrest on gun-possession charges.